Saturday, November 30, 2019
Inequality and Environmental Goods and Bads Essay Example
Inequality and Environmental Goods and Bads Paper During the course Of this research I used website (USA Today) to look up my old school and found that the chemical most responsible for toxicity around my old school was sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is used in the production of fertilizer, which makes sense because the San Joaquin Valley is the states top agricultural producing region, sometimes called the nations salad bowl. Sulfuric acid can cause respiration problems, and irritation. Long-term exposure causes cancer. It was through this experience and others that became interested in environmental justice. In particular this research will explore who receives the majority of toxicity from illusion as well as who stands to benefit from polluting activities. A wealth of literature exists on environmental justice documenting the fact that people with low incomes, and communities with a large percentage of non-whites bear the brunt of the environmental bad. This becomes a real threat to life when you consider people who lack the means or access to healthcare, or to choose where to live. They have little buffer when confronted with a human made or natural disaster. The research have read suggests that it may have more to do with social and cultural explanations rather than strictly income. This research presents a few reasons why this is the case. People dont generally choose to live next to a toxic facility. It is more likely that the person cannot afford anywhere else, works there or the pollution came to them. Through exploring conflict theory, we learn they dont have the social and economic power to stop it. Evidence People of a lower economic status are exposed to a disproportionate amount of toxicity compared to people that make more money, people that have higher education, and whites. We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and Environmental Goods and Bads specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and Environmental Goods and Bads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality and Environmental Goods and Bads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition the exposure to African Americans and Hispanic Americans had statistically significant results showing that they re especially susceptible to toxic exposure, due to where they live, with both air pollution and proximity to solid waste and hazardous materials facilities. In 2002 Michael Ash and Robert Fetter analyzed the social and economic correlates of air pollution exposure in US cities using the 1 990 Census of Population and Housing. They constructed a unique dataset based on the Peas Risk Screening Environmental Indicators model (8). This model was able to account for atmospheric effects of dispersion (19). They found higher rates of pollution and toxic exposure consistently among lower income people and overall with people of color. They found something interesting about Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders. Hispanics tend to live in cleaner cities than whites, but within cities they tend to live in neighborhoods that are more polluted than the white residents in the city (18). Ash and Fetters results suggest that policy makers should seek redress for the disproportionate toxic exposure to black neighborhoods, and that environmental justice should remain a priority (20). Research by John Hip and Cynthia Lagoon quantifies the threat of environmental inequality. This research looks at levels of toxic sate in six populated counties in California between 1990 and 2000. The research explores the link be;en race and toxic environments. Hip and Lagoon found that in areas where there Were more Latino there was 84. 3% more toxicity than in average tracts, and with 15% more Asians there is 33. 7% more toxic waste. This research also found that in areas where some people have higher education (15. 5%) the area is exposed to 88. % less toxic than average. The researchers used census data to look for social disparities in proximity to toxic facilities. They found that those with less education are ore likely to live near these facilities and that this relationship solidified over time. Latino are particularly more likely to be exposed to toxicity and that exposure is likely to be more toxic. In 1997 Andrew Sass and Michael Musses conducted a review of literature that talks about how the movement against environmental racism began. This research reviews one of the first studies. The researchers include Benjamin Chivies groundbreaking research on toxic in African Americans communities. Sass and Musses also review one of the first ever studies in the field conducted in 1970 that looked for a relationship teen economic status (poverty) and greater exposure to polluted air. Overall this study found that the poorer the neighborhood the more polluted the air (1 01 However there were some caveats. For instance, different air pollutants impacted both African Americans and white manufacturing employees. This was the case in particular with sulfur oxide, a carcinogen. However this study also took into account emissions from automobiles. In larger cities such as Chicago all the rich, most of the poor Almost all the black Population resides in areas violating long-term particulate standards 101 This research suggests that people living in larger cities are exposed to more pollutants than people living in rural areas. These preliminary studies were not dominated by race discussion, but rather poverty and specifically urban poverty. The sass saw a number of studies on the topic of environmental inequality. The work from the sass focused on proximity to waste sites and pollutants emitted by operating plants. Race, occupation, education, and home value are the best predictor of the location of wastes sites. In 1994 AAA Gore was quoted saying, Race is the single most accurate redirector of the location of hazardous waste sites (104). Inequality and Conflict Theory The agent of harm is inequality, as much as pollution and polluting corporations. Research by James Boyce in 2007 addressed how inequality is actually harmful to the environment. He defines an environmental problem as harmful to humans. Ultimately, we all live in the environment, we derive the resources from nature to make our livelihoods. If something is a problem for the environment, then it is a problem for humans (4). When one group of people is exploited by another for economic benefit, inequality is allowed to occur. Through the lens of conflict theory, this allows those who have concentrated power on their side to achieve their goals better than their opposition, and they are able to build on their victory and gain advantage over Others. In this manner people in power Stay in power. Major polluters say that they dont deliberately target black neighborhoods, but Sharon says, Eventually those who win are able to create a system of inequality, a social structure where they are at the top, and a culture and set of intuitions works to protect them (163). This translates to environmental racism and we see it s an unequal share of pollution exposure. Environmental racism is defined as the deliberate targeting of people of color communities for toxic waste facilities and the official sanctioning of life-threatening presence of poisons and pollutants in people of color communities (Sass and Musses 114). Bad jobs are a major cause of inequality (Sharon 159). Low paying jobs reduce economic power and exist to allow others to make profit. Low paying jobs rob those who hold them of deciding where to live, Sharon says, it traps them in a life of bare survival (158). Bad jobs also expose people to more toxic absences than do white collar jobs. Environmental externalities are the consequences of an action where the people who bear the negative aspects of the action have no voice in the decision process. Some people benefit economically from pollution, but they are rarely those residents that have to live with the environmental fallout. Therefore, more environmental harm is likely to occur in regions where there is high inequality and most people have less information and social, democratic, and economic power. Boyce says, When the beneficiaries from environmentally harmful activities are more rueful than those who bear the costs, greater inequality can be expected to result in more environmental harm. On the other hand, when those who bear the costs are more powerful than the beneficiaries, we might expect the opposite: greater inequality yields less environmental harm (9). Conflict theory partially explains the reasons inequality exists. Conflict theory was derived from Karl Marx who saw that society is comprised of a number of different groups that compete for resources, whether they be economic resources like money or property, or social such as stature, or political power. Social order then, is attained by domination. The most powerful in terms of economic and social power, dominate those with less, and social consensus only comes in opposition of another weaker group. Historically, the conflicts and opposition in society have been over race, gender, and class. Inequality exists because the group in power uses its economic and social resources to its advantage in protecting its power. This theory is seen in both groups and individuals (Grossman). People who live in polluted communities are the proletariat described in Mars conflict theory. Proletariat are the working lass, that do not own land and do not have ownership of the means of production, so instead, they sell their labor. The bourgeoisie are the class that owns land and the means of production. They try to keep wages as low as possible to increase profits. The people in power do not live in these communities because they can afford not to, and they can afford to move. They have more economical and social power, and they would rather shift toxic exposure to poor communities than in their back yard. Determining the reason for inequality is important because when inequality exits crime, poverty, exploitation, stress, and lack of self-worth are symptoms. Social inequality is not the only cause of misery in the world, but it goes a long way in explaining much of it (Sharon 164). Because these symptoms of inequality increase human misery, they should be minimized. Sharon says that inequality cannot be eradicated, but misery can be limited by working together in a just and democratic society. When alienation between different races in society increases due to inequality the institution of racism and social construction of landscape gives polluters providence to site polluting facilities in poor and black neighborhoods. A paper by Knelt Edwards, an environmental sociology professor at University of Alaska Anchorage, explores the ways people in power euthanize the residents of an area in order to justify harm. This research explores the social construction of landscape at the time of nuclear testing in the mid 20th century in Point Hope, Alaska. The area was described as remote, nonwhite, and sparsely populated. This allowed political powers to justify the testing at the same time dehumidifying the inhabitants of the area. It is easier for a polluter to site hazardous facilities in poor neighborhoods because it is cheaper. There isnt the same amount of community backlash and resistance and the poor communities see corporate development as a benefit, that the new construction will bring jobs to the community. While there are a few salary positions that become available, often times the jobs are the low paying, dangerous, and unstable jobs mentioned earlier. This keeps the proletariat stuck in a cycle Of exploitation. According to Marxism, the system Of capitalism itself is based on exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. Conclusion During the course of this research found that the corporation responsible or the most hazardous pollution that threatened my old elementary school is from a facility called Met Poss. Generation (LISA Today). I was encouraged to see on their website that in recent years theyve switched over to a greener form of energy. They are now operating on 100% woody biomass fuel to generate electricity rather than gasoline and coal generation (McPherson Energy Corporation), a move that has reduced the impact on the environment and the surrounding community. This move has taken a waste product and turned it into an economic good, while decreasing the environmental bad. National and community engagement is key to increasing the volume of the voices in this fight, but so is a change in the polluting practices of corporations. Carbon cap and trade, a move towards greener ways of producing energy, employing new technologies that reduce pollution and increasing the utilization of waste products will ease the conscience and raise profits of the bourgeoisie and increase the wages of the proletariat. Building and retrofitting neighborhoods So they are more energy efficient, Waste less, and are more centralized will keep the wages in the hands of community residents and out of the pockets of utility companies.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Educating Rita vs. Shawshank redemption Essays
Educating Rita vs. Shawshank redemption Essays Educating Rita vs. Shawshank redemption Essay Educating Rita vs. Shawshank redemption Essay Essay Topic: The Shawshank Redemption Explain how challenges of embarking into the universe can be outweighed by the possibilities that come from personal growing. Barriers of endeavoring into the abysm are non worthwhile to get the better of since growing will sabotage your perceptual experience of ultimate felicity. Since persons necessarily sacrifice a portion of themselves and does non supply ultimate felicity for society. The prescribed text Educating Rita by Willy Russell showcases Rita as losing all of her individualism by deriving cognition. Mirroring the above thesis. my related text. The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont encapsulates the thought of institutionalisation. Education is a addendum for the old life style giving new ways to populate with damaging side effects. In the drama Educating Rita . Rita assumes that instruction is an chance for happening herself but she is simply transitioning from one societal category to another. Ritaââ¬â¢s instruction has an oppressive consequence on her personality. Frank wants her to disciplineââ¬â¢ her head. but what he means is happen a less subjective ( personal ) manner to look at literature. The sarcasm is that this will do Rita less self-generated and it might impede her passion for the truth and for life. Education and Alcohol are of both a agency of satisfaction for Frank. Giving an instruction substitutes the demand to imbibe foregrounding his futile quandary since by learning Rita. she is seting nothing of herââ¬â¢ in her essays whereas her old essay was filled with subjectiveness and by imbibing he is losing a portion of himself and. Consequently. she is conforming to the societal category and run intoing the demands and wants of that category but that is non ultimate felicity since they are non wholly her wants and demands. Therefore. mentioning to Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs. as she is deriving self-actualisation she is losing her belonging and love nature since she runs off from Denny and thrusts Frank off. Mirroring the above statement for The Shawshank Redemption . Convicted felons are sent to prison to be rehabilitated so that one twenty-four hours they will no longer present a menace to citizens on the exterior. This is non the instance at Shawshank Prison. Shawshank. in world. is a topographic point of lasting parturiency since it strives to extinguish the tiniest hope for freedom from their captives. The full Shawshank system is an educational life style all captives have to larn or there will be ruinous effects. This is seen in the first clip when all the fish come into their cells for the first clip and one of the captives starts shouting and protesting he doesnââ¬â¢t belong here. he does non understand the system yet and ends up deceasing for non following orders. The dry nature of this system is that finally convicts depend on the system to keep intent. These walls are funnyâ⬠¦first you hate them. so you get used to them. so you depend on themâ⬠¦thatââ¬â¢s instit utionalized. It is hence useless to seek and overreach the system set uping that the challenges are ineffectual and non worth the clip. This is reinforced by Brooks go forthing the prison system and so perpetrating suicide à after he lost his Self-Esteem and Belonging which the prison provided him with. With lone Physiology and Safety from Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs. he has enlightened to his significance to the universe which leads to his ain death reinforcing that it is better to populate blissfully nescient than to populate harmfully enlightened. An individualââ¬â¢s possibility of personal growing is entirely reliant on their ain grade of cynicism. The extent of an individualââ¬â¢s cynicism is the challenge they have to confront in order to achieve personal growing. Persons have to be avaricious and selfish as it is the lone manner to develop a better apprehension of themselves. Frank is presented ab initio as misanthropic since he is merely motivated by money derived from Frank and Juliaââ¬â¢s telephone conversation. This motive helps him reawaken his grasp of beauty in literature and life: I think youââ¬â¢re the first breath of air thatââ¬â¢s been in this room for yearsââ¬â¢ . Consequently. Frank develops an attractive force towards his Frankenstein an d wants to be with her. Oscar Wilde said A faultfinder is a adult male who knows the monetary value of everything. and the value of nothing . However. Frank does non stop up with Rita due to the feelings non being common. Ritaââ¬â¢s cynicism lies with her desire for cognition. In the first scence. Rita explosions into his room and Tells Frank she wants to larn everythingââ¬â¢ . Her aspiration is alluded with Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Macbeth and the monetary value that it comes with ââ¬â her personality. Willy Russell intentionally alludes Frank to Frankenstein and Rita to Frankensteinââ¬â¢s Monster ; Frank to the King and Rita to Macbeth since she is seen as the hungry ambitious animal instead than the nescient Godhead. To go Macbeth or Frankensteinââ¬â¢s Monster is non deserving anyoneââ¬â¢s clip since it destroys a personââ¬â¢s ethical motives and therefore a personââ¬â¢s opinion on what felicity is. An imitation of the old statement is besides seen in The Shawshank Redemption . Since Andy is the lone misanthropic individual there is in the Prison. he is the lone 1 that escapes prison. Shown through assisting Captain Hadley to derive the likes of his equals and to transition int o a less exhausting occupation. It is apparent that Andy is fears no 1 even the Warden. Repeating Oscar Wildeââ¬â¢s statement. we can see the grade of Andyââ¬â¢s cynicism which allows him to get away prison. Contrasty. Red serves his full clip ever disagreed with Andyââ¬â¢s cynicism. After Andy finishes his 2 hebdomad stretch in the hole. he explains his theory of hope and how no 1 can take that off from you. Red argues that hope is useless and that has highlighted that Red has given up his cynicism. Consequently. Andy escapes merely after 20 old ages to venture and happen his personal growing whereas Red serves his full sentence. However. Andy has to rip off the system and unethically supply false inside informations to all the Bankss in order to come on. It is non deserving the outgo of society to let one adult male to be economically richer since he cheated the system. This changes a manââ¬â¢s attitude towards life and Andy had to trust on selfish agencies to acquire where he is. It is non valuable to achieve it in such an unethical method. Ultimately both texts basically show that there are no ways to accomplish growing and felicity on the same degree since accomplishing growin g undermines the perceptual experiences of felicity. Since social felicity is ever greater hence an person can merely be selfish and misanthropic to acquire anyplace in life.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessing The Strategic Human Resource Management Preferences Business Essay
Assessing The Strategic Human Resource Management Preferences Business Essay Number of growing organizations believes that Human Resource (HR) provides them competitive advantage. It was understood by many organizations that competitive advantage can be obtained by quality work force/employees and culture. Approach of linking Human Resource Management to Strategic objectives of an organization is called as Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) (Bratton and Gold, 2001). It was cited by Bratton and Gold (2001, p39) strategic management is defined as ââ¬Ëthat set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporationââ¬â¢. Strategic HR ensures that employees/human capital of an organization contributes to its achievements with their skills and performance. Traditional HR is concerned with implementation of policies and techniques like recruitment, staffing, remuneration, assessment etc (Klabbers, University of Bergen). But linking the general HRM and the organizationââ¬â¢s strategy gives HR department more sc ope to enhance the abilities of their workforce and concentrate on the vision and mission. This connection is made to improve the organization performance and develop organizational culture which in turn facilitates innovation and flexibility. Overall the key principle of Strategic HRM is to achieve organizationââ¬â¢s vision and mission. Bratton (2001) describes SHRM as a continuous process that requires constant adjustment in three major areas namely Value of Senior management, the environment and the resources available. Fig 1: Three major poles in strategic planning (Adapted from Bratton and Gold, 2001) Some authors believe that Strategic HRM is an Outcome and some believe that itââ¬â¢s a process. It was cited by Bratton and Gold (2004) that authors like Ulrich (1997) and Snell et al had different opinion on Strategic HRM. Snell et al believed that itââ¬â¢s an outcome designed to achieve sustained competitive edge through quality workforce. Ulrich (1997) also stated SHRM as an outcome of mission, vision and priorities of HR department. HR strategies are more concerned about matching the Five Ps that stimulates the employee roles for competitive strategy (Bratton and Gold, 2004, p46 and Cerdin and Ashok Som, 2003). It was cited by Cerdin and Ashok Som (2003) that Strategic HRM is identified in three levels namely Strategic, Managerial and operational level. Strategic level looks to the long term future, Managerial level looks at the mid term and the operation level looks at the short term focus. Different models and approaches were discussed in this assignment to understand the functionality of strategic HRM and how far the organization able to implement it. Models and Approaches There are several approaches and models by which Strategic HRM can be applied but basic strategic HRM model is widely accepted by many authors, researchers and even critics as well (Kane and Palmer, 1995). This basic model is based on the external and internal environment a nd basic organization strategies. Fig 2 Basic Model of Strategic Human resource Management (Adapted from Kane and Palmer, 1995) Strategic HRM models demonstrate how an organization links its business strategies and HR function to achieve it goals. Though SHRM adopts resource based philosophy, there are three different models defined by authors (Bratton and Gold, 2004, p49). These models are Control based, Resource based and Integrative model.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Nitrates tolerance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nitrates tolerance - Essay Example While long-term nitrate tolerance treatment induces the body to intrinsic vascular changes, nitrate tolerance treatment overly rely on nitro-vasodilator responsiveness (vascular tolerance). Vascular tolerance is always caused by an increased vascular superoxide production. The vascular superoxide production ultimately relies on unbalanced oxidation to the vascular cells. Additionally, super sensitivity to vasoconstrictor secondary to tonic protein kinase activation may result to nitrates tolerance (Antman & Sabatine, 2012, p. 11). For effective and efficient nitrate toleration clinically, C.NADPH oxidase(s) inclusive of various uncoupled endothelial nitric oxides synthase have been researched on. These oxidant elements have thus been proposed to be some of the richer superoxide sources for nitrate tolerance (Arcangelo & Petterson, 2005, p.134). Vascular NO and superoxide simultaneously form a rapid peroxy-nitrite. Put differently, both super oxide and vascular NO concomitantly aggravates tolerance by promoting NO synthesis. NO synthase uncouple in bonding and inhibit the solubility of both prostacyclin synthase and guanylyl cyclase (Faassen & Vanin, 2007, p.145). Nitrate tolerance has overly gone overboard clinically. This is because tablets designing formula must considerably look into nitrate tolerance in order to come up with effective and efficient tablets formulas (ââ¬Å"Radicals for life the various forms of nitric oxideâ⬠2008, p.133). The oxidative stress concept in nitrate tolerance may purportedly explain the reason as to why radical substances and scavengers have the relief ability to tolerance and endothelial dysfunction (Golan & Tashjian, 2012, p.156). Recent pharmacology research works have defined a newly initiated nitrate tolerance mechanism. This definition is the ability to inhibit mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase is the enzyme that ensures the completion of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Diageo Plc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Diageo Plc - Case Study Example At that time (eighteenth century), it was identified mostly with spirit brands like Justerini, Malts of Scotland such as Talisker, Glenkinchie and Lagavulin. In the nineteenth century, the company introduced Johnnie Walker; one of the most popular whiskies to date. In that same century, there was introduction of Smirnoff and subsequently Bailey's. In the twentieth century, the company started getting associated with Captain Morgan rum and eventually adopted it. Ever since, the company has been characterized by numerous innovations and introductions of new alcoholic drinks the world over. The Diageo Plc Company falls under the food and beverages industry in general and in the distillers sub industry. Therefore all the factors affecting the company will be examined in against the backdrop of this industry. The industry analysis will be done through SWOT and PEST analysis. The former type of analysis is instrumental in identification of the internal and external factors affecting a given company. It is also crucial in identification of the factors impending growth of a particular company. PEST analysis is more useful in determination of the external environment. (United Nations, 2001) The most outstanding feature about Diageo Plc is its brands. Some of the brands it offers have been around for centuries. This implies that the company has been able to secure brand loyalty. These include Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker and Bailey's. On top of this, the distiller has a huge size with branches all over the world. The advantage of such a large size is that the company can appeal to numerous market segments. Besides this, it can make up for weaknesses in one area with strengths in another country. (Hill, 2005) The Company also has confidence in the fact that it produces good quality beer. This means that sometimes the product 'sells itself' so to speak. It can also pride itself in the fact that it delivers lots of products in an efficient and fast manner. Actually most bars and pubs in the United Kingdom heavily rely on supplies from the company. Such an arrangement is only possible if the supplier has established a name for itself. This is definitely the case with Diageo. Another source of strength is the fact that the company promptly caters for its clients through efficient customer care. Responses to customer requirements and needs are done promptly and most of the time this is achieved through cooperation with the marketing and sales team. The Company has been at the frontline in employment of technological advancements in its production processes. For example, some of its distilleries are up to date in order to speed up the rte of production. On top of this, it is continuously introducing latest bottling technologies. It
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Boston beer case Essay Example for Free
Boston beer case Essay Boston Beer Companyââ¬â¢s main growth strategy was focused by differentiation. The sources of its competitive advantage can be classified as a company that provides high quality beer with unique flavors, a market driven approach, and a very efficient contract brewing strategy. Unfortunately, by the 1990ââ¬â¢s, their initial public offering of $30 went as low as to $8 per share. Since the easy of entry into the microbrewery business is low, that resulted in about 3000 new microbrewers into the market. When there became too many options available for the consumer, Jim Koch should have approached the situation and avoided the risks of the companyââ¬â¢s shares from falling, right when they saw stocks going down. He could have also approached having a more aggressive growth approach when the company went IPO. They could have avoided the company from becoming part of the niche market, which is still the case today. If he would have been a little more aggressive when they went IPO, they could have invested money into a brewery where they can meet their demands, not over exuberate the expansion. Also, they could have invested in finding the right marketing campaign like using celebrities or just advertising the beer to capture consumerââ¬â¢s attention. They really needed to create a type of quote or motto people would remember, just like Dos Equis and Coors light. Boston Beer Company has failed to that and for that reason their growth is still at a steady pace where is still not part of the big dogs yet. Since they focus so much on differentiation as their strategy, why couldnââ¬â¢t they capture consumerââ¬â¢s attention quicker and faster? In the 1990ââ¬â¢s, Jim Koch should have changed his company from getting into a niche market into a general market, so that today he still does not need to prove or go bar to bar, to ask them to carry their beer. It should be a first option when someone is opening a bar to have Samuel Adams beer because the consumers love it. He failed to do so by not taking advantage in the 1990s and he will still have to do the same beer pitch to bars, because of his mistake.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Eudora Weltys The Ponder Heart: A Southern Journey :: Eudora Welty The Ponder Heart
Eudora Welty's The Ponder Heart: A Southern Journey Imagine that while you're traveling in the South, you develop car trouble in the small town of Clay, Mississippi. You find a room at the Beulah Hotel, an old establishment that sits downtown right across the street from the courthouse. After you check in, it becomes clear to you that the Beulah doesn't get many guests these days; in fact, you're the first person even to enter the building in three days. Almost immediately you become the target of Edna Earle Ponder, the hotel's proprietor, who is eager to talk. You try to escape with a book, but Edna Earle will have none of that. She goes so far as to tell you, "And listen; if you read, you'll put your eyes out. Let's just talk." Even at this early stage of the game, you know who's going to do all the talking, don't you? What's more, Edna Earle lets you know right off the bat that she's "sizing you up," but she then launches into a story that will captivate you and keep you laughing all the while. To be sure, you'll learn a great deal more than you'd expect about Edna Earle, the rest of the Ponder family, and many other inhabitants of Clay. What a yarn it is that Edna Earle tells in Eudora Welty's The Ponder Heart. Her story revolves around the escapades of her Uncle Daniel, but in hearing about him, you'll hearââ¬âthrough Edna Earle's incessant gossipââ¬âalmost all there is to know about the way the rest of the town behaves. "[Edna Earle] assumes you want to know everything about everybody in town, and starting on that basis, she pushes you right into the middle of it," Welty says in an interview with Patricia Wheatley (Prenshaw 132). You'll find yourself caught up in a comical story that gives insight into a way of life of the early-20th century South, told through Welty's rich use of Southern dialect and subtle details about social strata and social nuances in Clay. Starting with the title and its play on definitions of "heart," you see and hear the story of Edna Earle Ponder's Uncle Daniel, whose main purpose in life seems to be to give things away (as we would say in modern times, "he's all heart"). Through Edna Earle (the name of many Southern women of that generation, taken from the heroine of the popular 19th century book St. Eudora Welty's The Ponder Heart: A Southern Journey :: Eudora Welty The Ponder Heart Eudora Welty's The Ponder Heart: A Southern Journey Imagine that while you're traveling in the South, you develop car trouble in the small town of Clay, Mississippi. You find a room at the Beulah Hotel, an old establishment that sits downtown right across the street from the courthouse. After you check in, it becomes clear to you that the Beulah doesn't get many guests these days; in fact, you're the first person even to enter the building in three days. Almost immediately you become the target of Edna Earle Ponder, the hotel's proprietor, who is eager to talk. You try to escape with a book, but Edna Earle will have none of that. She goes so far as to tell you, "And listen; if you read, you'll put your eyes out. Let's just talk." Even at this early stage of the game, you know who's going to do all the talking, don't you? What's more, Edna Earle lets you know right off the bat that she's "sizing you up," but she then launches into a story that will captivate you and keep you laughing all the while. To be sure, you'll learn a great deal more than you'd expect about Edna Earle, the rest of the Ponder family, and many other inhabitants of Clay. What a yarn it is that Edna Earle tells in Eudora Welty's The Ponder Heart. Her story revolves around the escapades of her Uncle Daniel, but in hearing about him, you'll hearââ¬âthrough Edna Earle's incessant gossipââ¬âalmost all there is to know about the way the rest of the town behaves. "[Edna Earle] assumes you want to know everything about everybody in town, and starting on that basis, she pushes you right into the middle of it," Welty says in an interview with Patricia Wheatley (Prenshaw 132). You'll find yourself caught up in a comical story that gives insight into a way of life of the early-20th century South, told through Welty's rich use of Southern dialect and subtle details about social strata and social nuances in Clay. Starting with the title and its play on definitions of "heart," you see and hear the story of Edna Earle Ponder's Uncle Daniel, whose main purpose in life seems to be to give things away (as we would say in modern times, "he's all heart"). Through Edna Earle (the name of many Southern women of that generation, taken from the heroine of the popular 19th century book St.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Annexation of Hawaii Essay
The decade of the 1890s marks a diplomatic watershed in American history. During that period the United States embarked upon a very assertive expansionist policy that led to the nation becoming an imperialist power by 1900. The reasons for this change from an essentially low-key, isolationist foreign policy stance to an aggressive involvement in world affairs involved fundamental changes in the American economy and the attitudes of the American people. The industrial revolution of the last quarter of the 19th century was the primary factor in the shifting foreign policy. As the nation became more industrialized it began to look overseas for new markets for its manufactured goods and for new sources of raw materials to feed the growing industrial system. To protect these foreign markets and raw materials the United States began to expand its power and influence overseas through the acquisition of trading centers, naval stations, and coaling ports. Indeed one of the major differences b etween the expansion of the 1890s and previous decades was that the nation did not see these new territories as potential states to add to the nation, but as spheres of influence in the aid of foreign trade. Two other elements entered the expansionist/imperialist equation. One was the closing of the American frontier in1890. When the Census report of that year proclaimed that there was no more frontier it meant that the nation could no longer pursue its twin goals of territorial expansion and isolation from world affairs. One or the other would have to be abandoned since there was no more contiguous territory to annex. The expansionist impulse proved stronger than the isolationist one and the nation began acquire an overseas empire. A second factor was the desire to spread the Christian gospel abroad, which meant securing an opening for American missionaries overseas. ââ¬Å"Militantâ⬠Christianity reinforced the mood of American expansionism. A classic example of the intertwining of economic and religious impulses was United Statesââ¬â¢ annexation of Hawaii. The first Americans to settle in Hawaii were Christian missionaries whose families remained and exerted a growing influenc e over the Hawaiian economy. By 1890 American economic and religious interests in the island kingdom were a permanent feature of the society. When the McKinley tariff bill of 1890 sought to stimulate the American sugar beet industry by placing a duty on imported sugar and giving a two cent a pound bonus for domestically grown sugar, the American-owned sugar companiesà faced a serious economic problem. From the standpoint of the American sugar companies in Hawaii the answer to their economc problem was simple: have Hawaii annexed by the United States so that Hawaiian sugar was domestic, not foreign grown. The flaw in that solution was that the Hawaiian people had no desire to become American. This popular aversion to annexation was reflected in the refusal of the Hawaiian leader, Queen Liliuokalani, to request an American take-over. The sugar company executives, with the timely assistance of a contingent of American marines who marched through Honolulu to ââ¬Å"protect American lives and property,â⬠simpl y staged a political coup and asked for annexation. After President Cleveland refused, President McKinley acquiesced in 1898. Americaââ¬â¢s desire to extend its influence beyond its borders was not limited to overt acts of annexation. In the case of a boundary dispute between Venezuela and British Guiana, United Statesââ¬â¢ action took the form of a virtual diplomatic ultimatum to England, insisting that Britain send no troops to press its boundary claims. The United States would set up a boundary commission to arbitrate the dispute and determine the legitimate boundaries. After initially declining American ââ¬Å"good offices,â⬠Great Britain accepted after U.S. Secretary of State Olney asserted that the United States was ââ¬Å"practically sovereignâ⬠in this hemisphere and threatened military action. This rather high-handed maneuver reflected growing U.S. ââ¬Å"power of persuasion.â⬠The most dramatic example of Americaââ¬â¢s increasingly imperialistic foreign policy was the Spanish-American War of 1898. After having remained aloof from Cubaââ¬â¢s previous attempts to throw off Spanish rule, the United States adopted a more interventionist policy when another Cuban revolt erupted in the 1890s. The American people were sympathetic with the Cuban cause and their rallying cry became ââ¬Å"Cuba Libra,â⬠free Cuba. A sensationalist American press, led by New York City newspaper publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst, played up Spanish ââ¬Å"atrocitiesâ⬠against the Cubans and ran front page stories about the Cuban ââ¬Å"struggle for freedom.â⬠Hearst even sent a photographer to Cuba with instructions to send back pictures of Spanish atrocities. In addition to ââ¬Å"yellow journalism,â⬠anti-Spanish emotions were stirred up by the publication of a private letter written by the Spanish ambassador to the United States, de Lome, considered insulting to President McKinley. Another event fanning the flames of war fever was the sinking of the American battleship â â¬Å"Maineâ⬠in Havana. Evenà though there was no proof of any Spanish involvement the rallying cry for pro-war forces became ââ¬Å"Remember the Maine, and to hell with Spain.â⬠Even though Spain, trying to avoid confontation with the United States, responded favorably to a diplomatic ultimatum from the State Department, McKinley yielded to popular pressure for war and delivered a war message. Congress, sensing Americaââ¬â¢s mood, declared war. Congressââ¬â¢ declaration of war was soon accompanied by the Teller Resolution promising that the United States would not annex Cuba as a result of American intervention in its behalf. When the brief, successful war ( ââ¬Å"a splendid little warâ⬠in the words of our Secretary of State) was ended, however, the Platt Amendment, incorporated in an American-Cuban treaty, accorded the United States the right to intervene in Cuba to ââ¬Å"preserve its independence and maintain law and order.â⬠In effect this amendment gave the United States a qua si-protectorate over Cuba. And while the war did not lead to U.S. acquisition of Cuba it did result in United Statesââ¬â¢ annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippine Islands (acquired from Spain). The Philippinos expressed their aversion to becoming an American territory by engaging in a guerilla war against the U.S. when annexation was proposed. Indeed the Philippine insurrection against the U.S. was more costly in terms of money and American lives lost than had been the Spanish-American war. Nor was everyone in the U.S. in favor of Philippine annexation. Anti-imperialists claimed that the Philippines might involve us in a war in the Far East, and that forced annexation violated the traditional American belief in ââ¬Å"government by the consent of the governed.â⬠American labor leaders joined in opposition to acquisition lest it lead to the introduction of cheap Philippine labor. American racism also rallied against acquiring ââ¬Å"yellow-skinnedâ⬠Americaââ¬â¢s desire to extend its economic influence to the Far East through opening up trade with China led to yet another diplomatic confrontation. By 1900 China had succumbed to European imperialism in the form of spheres of influence each of the major European powers and Japan had established. Concerned that this would lead to those powers excluding the U.S. from the China trade the U.S. sent a round-robin diplomatic note to all of them asserting that it was the U.S. policy, and assumed it was theirs as well, to provide an ââ¬Å"Open Doorâ⬠for trade with China. This was followed by a second ââ¬Å"Open Doorâ⬠note affirming respect for the ââ¬Å"territorial and administrativeà integrityâ⬠of China. Reluctantly most of the nations gave lukewarm assent.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Three Categories of Scope
Question 1: Compare and contrast the three categories of scope of charge to income tax A modern form of income tax was introduced into Federation of Malaya in 1947 by using the derived and remittance basis. Income Tax Act (ITA) 1967 came into effect has imposed world income basis on the resident company involved in specialized industries. Malaysia adopted a territorial and remittance. With effect of year of assessment of 2004, taxation basis amended to exempt income remitted into Malaysia from oversea.Until now, Malaysia income tax imposed on territorial basis that tax on income accrued in or derived from Malaysia. The revolution of these three taxation basis has different scope of charge to resident person and non-resident person. The individual and company residence status and also the sources of income are examined under three basis to determine which kind of income received by taxable person should be taxed. Resident status is determined by the number of day physically presence w ithin the country where generally individual stay in Malaysia total 182 days or more will be a resident.Territorial basis: Under territorial basis which Malaysia is applying currently, taxable person such as individual, company or bodies of person is chargeable only on income accruing in or derived from Malaysia. Income arising within Malaysia borders means the territories of the Federation of Malaysia, the territorial waters of Malaysia and the sea-bed and sub-soil of territorial waters and any area extending beyond the limits of the territorial waters of Malaysia are subjected to tax.In this scope of charge, resident and non resident individual and company are all taxable on its income derived from Malaysia only. Non resident company taxed on income accrued or derived from Malaysia if it has permanent establishment in Malaysia. Derived and Remittance Basis: This scope of charge provided that resident person is chargeable on income accruing in or derived from Malaysia and also inco me received in Malaysia from oversea.Prior to year of assessment of 2004, only non-resident are exempted from tax on foreign source income received in Malaysia. Income remitted into Malaysia from oversea by resident person is taxable before 2004 until the effective year of assessment in 2004, a revised paragraph 28 Schedule 6 ITA exempts the income of any person including resident person received in Malaysia except those resident company carrying business on specialized industry that will be discussed later in world income basis.World income basis Resident company and non-resident company are taxed on territorial basis except for resident company carrying on business in specialized industries such as banking, insurance, sea and air transport. Under Section 60C of ITA, 1967, business sources income from these industries are taxed on world income basis. This means that business income of resident company will be imposed on tax regardless of wherever the income derived even if income a rises outside the country where individual resides.Question 2: Discuss the relevance of the three categories on the types of income received by a taxable person. These three categories of taxation basis imposed on different kind of income received by taxable person. Territorial or derived Basis In the scope of territorial basis, taxable person such as resident and non-resident individual and company excluded company carrying in specialized industry such as banking, insurance, sea and air transporter are taxed on income derived in Malaysia.Non-resident individual and company do not taxed on income received in Malaysia from oversea. Under section 4(a) ITA, income tax is imposed on gains and profit of a business. Resident and non-resident company that earn profit from their normal business activity in Malaysia are liable to tax as in accordance to the territorial basis stated that any income accrued and derived in Malaysia must be taxed. Business income for resident company are general ly taxable but non-resident company only taxable provided they has permanent establishment in Malaysia.For example, business profit gained from Hwa Tai Industries Berhad, local biscuit manufacturer company that does not fall under special industry is taxable based on resident company tax rate of 25%. Another example for non-resident company cases such as company Seesaw ltd carrying business of clothing manufacturer, it will be taxed only on business source income from clothing in Malaysia. Besides, this basis provided that employment income derived from Malaysia for resident and non-resident individual under section 4(b) of ITA 1967 is hargeable to tax. For examples, Mr. Erick Lund from Sweden who is a non-resident works in Shell company is liable to tax for his employment income. However for non-resident individual, they are also subjected to tax on the income of employment exercised in Malaysia but they are exempted if they satisfied the 60 day rule under paragraph 21 and 22 Sched ule 6. Although tax liability arise when income accrued in or derived from Malaysia in territorial basis, there are numerous types of income are exempted from tax in the hand of resident individual.Resident individual can enjoy the benefit of tax exemption such as pension income paid for Malaysian employment for approved scheme (paragraph 30, Schedule 6 of ITA) , royalties for literary and artistic (paragraph 32, 32A, 32B), income for cultural performance approved by minister (paragraph 32C), income for musical composition (paragraph 32D) and also interest income from financial institution with effect from 30 August 2008.Other types of investment income that did not listed fall in Section 4 (c), (d), (e), (f) are generally taxable for resident individual. Revenue income that is assessable to tax includes interest received for Islamic securities, other than convertible loan stock, approved by securities commission and rental income. For examples, Mrs Lim who works as a clerk in accou nting firm also received income from renting her apartment to few people.Apart from employment income as clerk is taxable under section 4 ( b), her rental income also liable to tax under section 4 ( d). For non-resident individual, they are subjected to tax on the income of employment exercised in Malaysia as mentioned above and also exempted for pension income paid for Malaysian employment for approved scheme, interest received Islamic securities and also interest from financial institution.However, they are taxable on royalties, income for cultural performance, income for musical composition. royalties for literary and artistic, income for cultural performance approved by minister, income for musical composition and also interest income from financial institution in paragraph 33, Schedule 6. References: 1. Inland Revenue Board Malaysia, 2011. Residence Status of Companies and Bodies of Persons. [online] Inland Revenue Board Malaysia. Available at:<
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Princess Mononoke review Essay Example
Princess Mononoke review Essay Example Princess Mononoke review Essay Princess Mononoke review Essay Essay Topic: The Prince Princess Mononoke (original title: Mononoke-hime ) was produced and released in Japan in 1997 and was released in Canada in November 1999. This ecology-themed epic was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki the famous Japanese film director, animator, manga artist and screenwriter. It is in Animation / Adventure / Fantasy genre and the voce casts include Yà ´ji Matsuda, Yuriko Ishida and Yà »ko Tanaka. Princess Mononoke shows a mystical battle between Animal Gods of the forest and humans. The story happens in an Emishi village during Japans Muromachi Period in the 14th century. The young Ashitaka gets cursed by fatal infection after a demonic wild boar attacks him in the village. He then travels to west to find the deer-like god Shishigami to get cured. Along his way, he sees the battle between the animal inhabitants of the forest and an iron mining town that is exploiting and killing the forest. The constant aggressiveness by the village has brought the rage of the Wolf God, Moro, who attacks the village along with San, a human who was raised by the wolf god. San can communicate with the nature spirits, which is why she is called Princess Mononoke (spirits of things). Ashitaka would like these conflicting groups to get along, and he hopes to bring peace between San and Lady Eboshi who is the ironworks owner. However, he is frustrated as vicious powers plan to kill the Shishigami and more battles erupt. Although the story looks like a simple legend of humankind versus nature, there are many issues which complicate the plot. To begin, there are no absolute evil people in this story. Even Lady Eboshi, the ruler of Irontown who is the most responsible person for the destruction of the forest, is quite sympathetic when confronts other humans. She takes care of lepers and poor women and provides them with a place a work and live. Even San, whose persistent intention to protect the forest leads her to be an enemy of the humans, merely wants to save her own homeland not hurting people. Nevertheless, Miyazaki has truly created an amazing work in Princess Mononoke. Multiple conflicts thrive with humans against humans, humans against nature, and even nature against itself. These conflicts are such that they are incorporated into an astonishing deep and satisfying plot. It is very inspirational to see a movie that is capable of such story-telling without leading to old clichà ©s and frustrati ng repetition of the same old stories. Lady Eboshi is portrayed as a bit of a radical, not in terms of changing an existing order but in sense of humanistic point of view. She represents the improvement of technology in trying to advance human settlement and production, yet the social aspects of her character, in times make even audiences who support nature to sympathize with her. Ashitaka, who is one of the few living young men of Emishi people, is to be the leader of his people. He has the nobleness of Royal blood and great skills as a hunter. He sacrifices himself to defend his village and received a curse of death. He does not talk so much, but has a strong sense of justice. San is a weird girl who was raised by a mountain wolf. She hates humans who invade the forest. With a strange mask on her face, and riding a large mountain wolf, she frequently attacks the iron mining town. After meeting Ashitaka, her feelings lean between the Gods and humans. The central theme of the movie is the environment. There are several different environmental concerns depicted within this movie. The most obvious is clear cutting. The devastation that happens afterwards is a good representation of what could happen if humans continue to clear cut and kill the land. The setting is in Japan some time during the 14th century, an agricultural time before the country was unified. The general scenery and architecture are based on reality but the rest takes significant imagination with the reality of the time. The work is a fascinating animation which keeps the audience for most of the time and conveys its main messages in the context of attractive visuals and lively sound tracks. When viewed from a simplistic perspective, Princess Mononoke is a perfectly legitimate, well-represented movie. It is a wonderful anime work. It explores themes and concepts that leave the audience wondering about it. The plot is engaging and entertaining. It nicely shows how humans interact with the environment, and how they need to preserve and protect their land by working together. It has a great ending, and is overall very pleasurable to watch. The characters are well developed and realistic. However, the story has some fundamental elements that enhance and reflect upon Japanese culture which may be unfamiliar for the Western audience. Its only problems, in my opinion, come from the personal views of the producer. The movie presents its concepts in a judgmental or biased matter. The stream of a story should be neutral, so that the audience may judge content for themselves but it is the case in some instances in Princess Mononoke. Over all, I found this movie very entreating, enj oyable, and more importantly informative and an eye-opener to environmental problems that threaten our world.
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Marketing Plan for BW Leisure Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Marketing Plan for BW Leisure Trust - Essay Example Like any other commercial organization, BWLT also requires a proper marketing plan in order to become independent of tax payersââ¬â¢ money and to stay ahead of its rivals. A proper marketing plan that includes five major aspects such as ââ¬Ësituational analysisââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëmarketing objectiveââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëmarketing strategyââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëimplicationââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëcontrolââ¬â¢ is presented in this paper. Each of these aspects is suitably analyzed in the context of BWLT in the following sections of this paper. Business Mission The principle mission of BWLT is operating the sporting assets in such a way that benefits the facility users and becoming a self-sufficient profit making organization within the next seven years. Situational Analysis Situational analysis is all about analyzing the internal as well as external environment of an organization. Strategic management tools like Porterââ¬â¢s five forces model and SWOT are useful for such analysis. Porterââ¬â ¢s five forces i.e. buyersââ¬â¢ bargaining power, suppliersââ¬â¢ power, threat of substitutes, rivalry among competitors and threat of new comers can be analyzed in the context of BWLT (Ahlstrom & Bruton, 2009) In case of BWLT, users of the facilities have strong bargaining power as they can choose any other facilities according to their requirements. Suppliers of various equipments are likely to have medium to low bargaining power as there are number of entities that are in this business. Rivalry among the players is expected to be more intense in the coming days and threat from a newcomer is medium as significant volume of capital is must to start such a business. SWOT Analysis The major strength of BWLT is that its usefulness has been proved to the local people over the past few years. Furthermore, various schemes that are already introduced by it are found to be quite popular among the users. Major weakness of this charity trust is the fact that it is still dependent on t he tax payersââ¬â¢ money. In addition to that there are very few marketing related activities. The trust has almost no online presence which is a major drawback for an organization that desires to be self-funded in the coming years. Major opportunity that this trust can capitalize on is the fact that it can now target the entire population of UK. Other leisure facility providing centres and private gyms that can be considered as its competitors are likely to be the main threat for BWLTââ¬â¢s business. Marketing Objective Marketing objectives ought to be SMART i.e. it should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound (Walker, 2006). The primary marketing objective in case of BWLT is to enhance the involvement of the users of the facilities. Involvement of users is likely to be reflected by the increase in usage of the facilities and this in turn would reflect in the total sales volume. It is aimed that the business of BWLT will increase by 30% in the coming y ear. Furthermore, another main objective is to enhance the brand equity of BWLT and this can be measured while dealing with the both suppliers and customers. Each of these objectives is SMART in nature. Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy for BWLT can be developed by using tools like Ansoff Matrix. As per this matrix the trust will have four options i.e. market penetration, market development, product development and diversification (Mercer, 1996). In order to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Probation, Pardons and Parole Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Probation, Pardons and Parole - Essay Example The officer will gather information about the criminal from the criminalââ¬â¢s family, victims and any other relevant individuals. ââ¬ËNormally the PSI report contains; prior criminal convictions and juvenile adjudications, description of the offense, the defendants vocational background and work history, defendants marital status, financial status, length of residence in the community, educational background and other pertinent data, medical history, substance abuse history, and psychological or psychiatric history, harm suffered by any victim, victims impact statement, defendants statement, applicable sentencing guidelines, evaluation of the defendants probable adjustment in the community based upon factual information in the report, sentencing recommendations including any consecutive sentencing requirementsââ¬â¢. (THE PRE-SENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT (PSI) KNOW YOUR RIGHTS) This paper focuses on the basic purposes of a PSI report, Supreme Court ruling with respect to th e confidentiality of a presentence report, sentencing guidelines and mandatory sentences which affect presentence investigations, Sources of information contained in the presentence report etc. Besides being instrumental in determining his federal prison sentence, the PSI is vitally important with respect to Bureau of Prisonsââ¬â¢ (BOP) federal prison designation, security level, custody level, restitution issues, work assignments, bunk assignments, furlough eligibility, transfers, community custody placement, inmate quality of life enhancements, admission into the 500-Hour Residential Drug Abuse Program and how the inmate is treated in prison by both the guards and inmates. (Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (PSI)ââ¬âExamples of Whatââ¬â¢s In It) The main purpose of a PSI report is to aid the judge in determining the sentence. The criminal background of the person is important in determining the
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