Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Bernice Bobs Her Hair - 1475 Words
This critical circle is not close enough to the stage to see the actors faces and catch the subtler by play (Fitzgerald 1). The metaphor of the Dance sets up a critical underlying theme of the story. The youth The metaphor at the beginning of the But, after all, this critical circle is not close enough to the stage to see the actors faces and catch the subtler byplay that from a distance one cannot properly judge the kids. By comparing the youth to actors explains that the people are playing a role inorder to project an image to others. The girls act the whole time trying to reflect an image of something they are not. Margarie who appears to be perfect from the outside, has her act down to a tee. Everything is†¦show more content†¦The reference to the sphinx gives insight to the reader that quite the opposite is true. Marjorie is afraid that Warren may actually really have feelings for Bernice and feels threatened. You may as well stop making a foool of yourself over Warren McIntyre. He doesn t care a snap of his fingers about you (Fitzgerald 15). If Marjorie actually felt this way, she would not of approached Bernice in this manner. Bernice had successfully destructed the untouchable. Disliked by the French as a foreigner, she made herself more unpopular by her devotion to the interests of Austria, the bad reputations of some of her friends, and her extravagance, which was mistakenly blamed for the financial problems of the French government. Especially damaging was her supposed connection with the so-called Diamond Necklace affair (see Diamond Necklace, Affair of the), a scandal involving the fraudulent purchase of some jewels (1785).Marie and Louis tried to escape from Paris with their surviving son in 1791, but they were captured and brought back prisoners. In 1792 the monarchy was overthrown, and after the execution of the king and separation from her son, she was sent before the revolutionary tribunal the following year. Sentenced to death for treason, she was guillotined in Paris on October 16, 1793. Bernice had all the sensations of Marie Antoinette bound for the guillotine in a tumbrel (Fitzgerald 17). This comparison emphasizes the fact that she knowsShow MoreRelated Bernice Bobs Her Hair Essay1362 Words  | 6 Pages amp;#8220;Bernice Bobs Her Hair; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Have you ever at one time or another felt like an outsider? Many people do, trying desperately to fit in with their social counterparts. Whether it be in school, at work, or life in general, many yearn to be accepted by their peers and feel as though they are a part of some sort of amp;#8220;club; that is viewed by others as the amp;#8220;in; crowed. F. Scott Fitzgerald tries to express this turmoil with the short story amp;#8220;BerniceRead MoreBernice Bobs Her Hair : F Scott Fitzgerald862 Words  | 4 PagesEssay 2 â€Å"Bernice Bobs Her Hair: F Scott Fitzgerald. This short story is about two cousins who have different personalities. Marjorie Harvey’s dull and boring cousin Bernice from Eau Claire is visiting for the whole month during the summer. None of the men are interested in talking to Bernice, due to the fact she is just so dull and boring, and Marjorie just wishes she would go home. Bernice overheard Marjorie, and Marjorie’s Mother Mrs. Harvey talking about her one evening just before bed, andRead MoreEssay on F. Scott Fitzgeralds Bernice Bobs Her Hair503 Words  | 3 PagesF. Scott Fitzgeralds Bernice Bobs Her Hair Works Cited Missing In F.Scott Fizgereralds Bernice Bobs Her Hair there are significant character changes noted throughout this short story. In this essay I will examine the development and representation of Bernice who is a central character. 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